WATR_HTF_Signal – indicator MetaTrader 5

The WATR_HTF_Signal indicator shows a trend direction or a trade signal generated by the WATR indicator at the chosen bar as a graphical object with colored trend indication or deal direction. It also triggers alerts and plays audio signals.

If the trend continues at the selected bar, the indicator displays a right arrow. Its color corresponds to the trend direction. If the trend has changed at the selected bar, the indicator displays a diagonal arrow. Its color and direction correspond to the deal direction.

All input parameters can be divided into three large groups:

  1. WATR indicator input parameters:

    //|  Indicator input parameters                    |
    input string Symbol_="";                               // Financial asset
    input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES Timeframe=PERIOD_H6;             // Indicator timeframe for calculation
    input uint    WATR_K = 10;
    input double WATR_M = 4.0;
    input uint    ATR=21;
  2. Input parameters of the WATR_HTF_Signal indicator required for the indicator visualization:

    //---- indicator display settings
    input uint SignalBar=0;                                // Bar number for getting a signal (0 - current bar)
    input string Symbols_Sirname=INDICATOR_NAME"_Label_";  // Indicator labels names
    input color Upsymbol_Color=clrAqua;                    // Uptrend symbol color
    input color Dnsymbol_Color=clrMagenta;                 // Downtrend symbol color
    input color IndName_Color=clrGray;                     // Indicator name color
    input uint Symbols_Size=60;                            // Signal symbols size
    input uint Font_Size=10;                               // Indicator name font size
    input int X_1=5;                                       // Horizontal name offset
    input int Y_1=-15;                                     // Vertical name offset
    input bool ShowIndName=true;                           // Indicator name display
    input ENUM_BASE_CORNER  WhatCorner=CORNER_RIGHT_UPPER; // Display corner
    input uint X_=0;                                       // Horizontal offset
    input uint Y_=20;                                      // Vertical offset
  3. Input parameters of the WATR_HTF_Signal indicator that are necessary for generating alerts and audio signals:

    //---- alerts settings
    input ENUM_ALERT_MODE alert_mode=OnlySound;  // Indicator triggering option
    input uint AlertCount=0;                     // Number of alerts

If several WATR_HTF_Signal indicators are to be used on one chart, each of them should have its own value of the Symbols_Sirname string variable (the names of indicator labels).

Alternative:  Price Rebound Calculator - indicator MetaTrader 4

Place the compiled indicator file WATR.mq5 to terminal_data_folder\MQL5\Indicators\.

Fig1. The WATR_HTF_Signal indicator. A signal of uptrend continuation

Fig1. The WATR_HTF_Signal indicator. A signal of uptrend continuation

Fig.2. The WATR_HTF_Signal indicator. A signal for opening a short position

Fig.2. The WATR_HTF_Signal indicator. A signal for opening a short position

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