Day Of Week, Week Of Year and other marks in Data Window and on chart – indicator MetaTrader 5

The indicator WeekDays displays Day Of Week, Week Of Year, Day Of Year or Bar Index in the Data Window, and optionally in labels on the chart.

As usual, the information in the Data Window is updated dynamically according to mouse movements: the name of the day is always promptly updated in the left column, whereas the content of the right column is defined by the settings, specifically the inputs WholePart and FractionalPart. Each of them allows user to select one of the entities to display: Day Of Week, Week Of Year, Day Of Year, Bar Index, or None.
  • WholePart – selector for the number in front of the floating point;
  • FractionalPart – selector for the number after the floating point;
Two selected properties (integer numbers) are combined into a single floating point value for every bar and stored in the indicator buffer. Of course, the buffer made invisible on the chart due to DRAW_NONE style, because its values are synthetic.

For example, for the screenshot below the name of the day is Tue, and the buffer containing Week.DoY (Day Of Year index) shows value 44.302, that is 44-th week and 302-th day of the year, respectively.

The other inputs allows user to specify whether or not to ShowLabels on chart, what FontName, FontSize, FontColor to use, as well as Padding from top/bottom edges, how to Align them (top/middle/bottom), and optional RotationAngle for middle alignment.

Default clrNONE for FontColor means reverse color for current chart background.

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Day Of Week, Week Of Year, Day Of Year, Bar Index indicator

Day Of Week

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