Here is the code if you directly wants to copy ,if you have downloaded the code from the above you need to set the chart in 5 min mode but in case you want to drag and drop , then copy the code below and go to your meta editor and then press ctrl+n or in mac command +n then choose Script then then new and then just paste and save then restart the terminal and here you go.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| advancedv3.0.mq4 | //| RinkanKnight | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "RinkanKnight" #property link "" #property version "1.00" #property strict #property script_show_inputs extern int    TakeProfit          = 10; //not necessary as this is a part of my EA this is here only extern int    StopLoss            = 20;//not necessary as this is a part of my EA this is here only extern double  lots =1 ;//not necessary as this is a part of my EA this is here only void OnStart()   {                         Alert("script started ");//to know the script started             static int  ticket = 0;//not necessary as this is a part of my EA this is here only             double TakeProfitLevel_buy = Bid + TakeProfit*Point;  //0.0001//not necessary as this is a part of my EA this is here only             double StopLossLevel_buy = Bid - StopLoss*Point;//not necessary as this is a part of my EA this is here only             double middlebb=iBands(Symbol(),5,20,2,0,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0); //middle bb             double ma_ten = iMA(Symbol(),5,10,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0); // moving avg 10             double ma_fifty = iMA(Symbol(),5,50,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0); //moving avg 50             double sar = iSAR(Symbol(),5,0.02,0.2,0); // parabloic sar             double red = iStochastic(Symbol(),5,5,3,3,MODE_EMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,0); // stochatic signal line             double blue = iStochastic(Symbol(),5,5,3,3,MODE_EMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0); // main stochatic line             double macd =iMACD(Symbol(),5,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0); // macd main             double rsi = iRSI(Symbol(),5,14,PRICE_CLOSE,0); //relative strength index             /*                            Alert("the ckising price is ", Close[0]                 Alert("the bb  is ", middlebb );                 Alert("the ma10 price is ", ma_ten );                 Alert("the ma50e is ", ma_fifty );                 Alert("the macd is ", macd );                 Alert("the sar is ", sar );                 Alert("the rsi is ", rsi );                 Alert("the red signL is ", red );                 Alert("the blue value is ", blue );                 */                                                                                                                                                                          if ( middlebb <Close[0] && ma_ten < Close[0] && ma_fifty < Close[0] && sar < Close[0] && blue > red && macd >0 && rsi >50 ) //checking condition for buy               {                     Alert("buy");                                                 }             else               if( middlebb > Close[0] && ma_ten > Close[0] && ma_fifty > Close[0] && sar > Close[0] && blue < red && macd < 0 && rsi < 50 )               {                             Alert("sell ");                                                         }             else               {                   Alert ("condition are not matching do not buy ");                                                                   }                                       }