gnome sort – array sorting algorithm – library MetaTrader 5

//|                                                    GnomeSort.mq5 |
//|                                    2019-2021, dimitri pecheritsa |
//|                                |
//|  c  | gnome sort                                                 |
//| use | array sorting algorithm                                    |
//|  best: n; average: n^2; worst: n^2                               |
//|  memory: 1; stable: yes; method: exchanging                      |
//|  note: tiny code size                                            |
//|  originally proposed by iranian computer scientist hamid         |
//|sarbazi-azad (professor of computer science and engineering at    |
//|sharif university of technology) in 2000. the sort was first      |
//|called stupid sort (not to be confused with bogosort), and then   |
//|later described by dick grune and named gnome sort.               |
//|  the gnome sort is a sorting algorithm which is similar to       |
//|insertion sort in that it works with one item at a time but gets  |
//|the item to the proper place by a series of swaps, similar to a   |
//|bubble sort. it is conceptually simple, requiring no nested loops.|
//|the average running time is o(n^2) but tends towards o(n) if the  |
//|list is initially almost sorted.                                  |
//|  the algorithm finds the first place where two adjacent elements |
//|are in the wrong order and swaps them. it takes advantage of the  |
//|fact that performing a swap can introduce a new out-of-order      |
//|adjacent pair next to the previously swapped elements. it does not|
//|assume that elements forward of the current position are sorted,  |
//|so it only needs to check the position directly previous to the   |
//|swapped elements.                                                 |
//|  f  | script program start function                              |
//| use | gnome sort example. sort market watch symbols by spread    |
#include <MqhAlgorithmsSortGnomeGnomeSort.mqh>
#include <MqhAlgorithmsSortGnomeFunctions.mqh>
void OnStart(void)
//--- load symbols from the warket watch window
   string symbols[];
//--- load spreads of the symbols 
   int keys[];
//--- sort symbols by spread in accending order 
   ArraySort(keys,symbols,new CGnomeSort<int,string>);
//--- print a table of symbols to check result
//               symbol |   spread |    point
//                BRENT |        6 |     0.01
//               EURUSD |       16 |    1E-05
//            .US30Cash |       16 |      0.1
//                 TSLA |       47 |     0.01
//               XAUUSD |      300 |    0.001
//               USDRUB |      672 |   0.0001
//               BTCUSD |    13833 |     0.01
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