FineClock – EA MetaTrader 5

Fine Clock. Displayed on all charts.

Enumerations for an option to choose numerals using a mouse in the course of setting are described in include-files (files eIntNumbers.mqh and eFloatNumbers.mqh should be copied to terminal_data_folder\MQL5\Include\Enums\).

File fineclock.mq5 should be copied to terminal_data_folder\MQL5\Experts, Presets ( should be unzipped to terminal_data_folder\MQL5\Presets\.


input eTimeType      TimeType=TLocal;               // Clock zone  - Optional : Local time zone, Server time zone, GMT  
input eClockFormats  Fmt= Seconds;                  // Display format : HH:MM:SS or HH:MM, 
                                                    // in the second case the drawing is made once-per-minute (resource saving)
input еMyCorners     Corner = CRL;                  // Corner of attachment
input ePInt          X= 170;                        // Horizontal shift
input ePInt          Y = 38;                        // Vertical shift
input string         FontName="Magneto";            // Font
input ePInt          FontSize=16;                   // Font size
input color          FontColor = clrDarkSlateGray ; // Font color
input color          ShadowColor = clrDarkSeaGreen; // Shadow color
input ePInt          SS=1;                          // Shadow shift
input eFloat01       eSA=-12;                       // Shadow rotation


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