TD Sequential Ultimate MetaTrader indicator shows all parts of the TD Sequential method developed by the legendary technical analyst, Tom DeMark. TD Sequential Ultimate displays Buy and Sell Setups, including the Setup Perfection arrows, Buy and Sell Countdowns, including the failed count 13 attempts, and TDST Support and Resistance levels. Unlike many other implementations of the TD Sequential method, this indicator offers multiple improvements: 
Input parameters
- MaxBars (default = 1000) — how many bars to calculate TD Sequential for. Zero value means that the indicator will calculate its counts for all available bars. The higher the number the slower the indicator will work.
- BuySetupColor (default = clrLime) — color of the Buy Setup counts and Perfection arrows.
- SellSetupColor (default = clrRed) — color of the Sell Setup counts and Perfection arrows.
- CountdownColor (default = clrOrange) — color of the Countdown values.
- FontFace (default = “Verdana”) — font face to use for counts.
- Fontsize (default = 12) — font size to use for counts.
- ArrowWidth (default = 2) — arrow size for Setup Perfection.
- PixelDistance (default = 3) — vertical distance between count objects in pixels.
- Prefix (default = “TDS_”) — text prefix for naming chart objects.
- AlertOnSetup (default = false) — trigger alert when Buy/Sell Setup is finished (count #9 is printed).
- AlertOnPerfecting (default = false) — trigger alert when Buy/Sell Setup is perfected (an arrow appears).
- AlertOnCount13 (default = false) — trigger alert when Countdown candle #13 appears.
- AlertOnSupportResistance (default = false) — trigger alert when a candle closes above resistance or below support.
- AlertNative (default = false) — if truethen a native popup alert will be issued each time an alert event occurs.
- AlertEmail (default = false) — if truealerts will be sent via email. Email should be properly configured in MetaTrader via Tools->Options->Email.
- AlertNotification (default = false) — if truealerts will be sent via push-notifications to your mobile device. You need to set up MetaQuotes ID in MetaTrader via Tools->Options->Notifications for this to work properly.