Accidently I ran into MQL5 and was forced to pull a MySQL library together. As for any library I hope the examples show how the library can be used. As for any library actually the most important things are examples how to use it 😉
Reading Data
#include <EAX\EAX_Mysql.mqh> EAX_Mysql *db = new EAX_Mysql(); db.connect("", "myusername", "mypassword", "mydatabase", "mytable"); int iResults = db.read_rows("SELECT password, COUNT(*) as Hits FROM users GROUP BY password"); for (int i=0; i < iResults; i++) {   string password = (string) db.get("password",i);   int    hits    = (int) db.get("Hits", i); }
Feeding Data
#include <EAX\EAX_Mysql.mqh> // global EAX_Mysql *db = new EAX_Mysql(); void OnInit() {     db.connect("", "myusername", "mypassword", "metatrader", "Ticks"; } void OnTick() {     MqlTick tick;     SymbolInfoTick(_Symbol,tick);     // Add a new dataset for table Ticks     db.AddNew("Ticks");     // fill it with values..     db.set("symbol", _Symbol);     // You can send digits to digit DB fields if MySQL can convert     db.set("ask", tick.ask);     db.set("bid",;     db.set("last", tick.last);     db.set("time", TimeToString(tick.time,TIME_DATE) + " " + TimeToString(tick.time,TIME_SECONDS));     db.set("volume", tick.volume);     db.write(); } void OnDeinit() {   // clean up memory   delete db; }
Interacting with Data
EAX_Mysql *db = new EAX_Mysql(); db.connect("", "myusername", "mypassword", "metatrader", "mytable") // Select Table AgentsOnline (required to identify the correct Primary Key)"AgentsOnline"); // Read Dataset with Primary Key 5"5"); // modify any column, db.set("lastupdate", (string) TimeLocal()); // write it back db.write();
- Identify your MQL5 Data Directory (MQL5).
- Download Connector/C (libmysql) for your MetaTrader environment (32 or 64bit) and put libymsql.dll into “MQL5\Libraries”.
- create an folder EAX under Include.
- Put EAX_Mysql.mqh in “MQL5\Include\EAX”.
- As it uses internally a shared connection pointer the library can’t handle more than one DB connection at a time (I had no need to add/migrate a connection pooling).
- no real error (mysql) handling, dropping db connection.
- no error handling/reconnection to the DB (=> db pooling).
- no support for multiple column primary keys.
- still beta – please drop me an email if you want to beta/test.
- DataTypes are not handled (internally just strings) must be on code/database.
- Database communication is ISO – too lazy to adjust the pointer/string arithmetic for UTF-8.