XROC2_VG – indicator MetaTrader 5

Real author: Vladislav Goshkov (VG)

Plotting ROC indicators of two arbitrary same types (including Momentum) and periods in a single window.

Resulting indicators are processed by an averaging algorithm in order to filter out the random noise.

Indicator calculation equations:

MOM = (price - prevPrice) [Momentum];
ROC = ((price/prevPrice)-1)*100 [Rate of change];
ROCP = (price-prevPrice)/prevPrice [Rate of change Percentage];
ROCR = (price/prevPrice) [Rate of change ratio];
ROCR100 = (price/prevPrice)*100 [Rate of change ratio 100 Scale].

Additional averaging is used to filter out random noise and to have a more smooth final indicator. The indicator uses the CJJMA class from the SmoothAlgorithms.mqh library. The class is described in detail in the article Averaging Price Series for Intermediate Calculations Without Using Additional Buffers.

  TEMA Jurik Volty Adaptive - indicator MetaTrader 5

This indicator was first implemented in MQL4 and published in the Code Base on 28.03.2006.

Fig. 1. The XROC2_VG indicator

Fig. 1. The XROC2_VG indicator

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