Writing the quotes to a txt file with the full path and file name – library MetaTrader 4

Function Description:

#import "ITTPSymbol.dll"  
    int CreateFile(string Path, string symbol, int Priсe);

An example of a function call:

 CreateFile(Path, Symbol(), Ask);

As you can see, everything is very simple. The function will create a text file with the name ‘symbol’ and write(overwrite) the ‘Price’ value there. According to the path specified in the value of Patch. This library was written in Delphi. If anyone is interested, they can redo it.
The source code of the library in Delphi:

library ITTPSymbol;
 uses classes, Dialogs,sysutils;

{$r *.res}
function CreateFile(Path: Pchar ;  Symbol: Pchar;  Priсe: integer ): integer; stdcall;
var outfile: TextFile;
AssignFile(outfile, string(Path)+'\' + string(Symbol) + '.txt');
   writeln(outfile, Priсe);
exports CreateFile;

if the function ran successfully the CreateFile() function returns 0, otherwise -1.

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Sample script that writes a file with the name of the current symbol the script was run on to the C:\ drive. At the same time the ‘Price’ parameter of ‘integer’ type is written to the file:

//|                                                   ITTPSymbol.mq4 |
//|                                        Copyright © 2007 ITTP Gr. |
//|                                          |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2007 ITTP Gr."
#property link      ""
#import "ITTPSymbol.dll"  
    int CreateFile(string Path, string symbol, int Price);
string Path;
//| script program start function                                    |
int start()
      Path = "C:"; // The last slash "\" is not specified! 
   CreateFile(Path, Symbol(), 53); 

That is it, use at will.

16.04.2007. Fixed several errors in the new version of the dll:

  • replaced Patch with Path;
  • removed the unnecessary code from the library itself.
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The old version of the library is deleted, so that it can be downloaded safely.

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