TMAGi is an oscillator based on three moving averages and the +DI and -DI lines of the ADX indicator. It indicates the market state: uptrend/downtrend/flat.
There are seven configurable parameters:
- ADX period – ADX calculation period
- Fast MA period – fast MA calculation period
- Middle MA period – middle MA calculation price
- Slow MA period – slow MA calculation price
- SMA slowing – SMA smoothing period
- LWMA slowing – LWMA smoothing period
- Applied price
TSMAGi = SMA(RAW, SMA slowing) TLWMAGi = LWMA(RAW, LWMA slowing)
RAW = (Abs(FastMA - MiddleMA) + Abs(FastMA - SlowMA) + Abs(MiddleMA - SlowMA))*DI
FastMA = SMA(Applied price, Fast MA period) MiddleMA = SMA(Applied price, Middle MA period) SlowMA = SMA(Applied price, Slow MA period)
DI = PlusDI - MinusDI PlusDI, MinusDI - +DI and -DI lines of ADX(ADX period)