XIT_BuySellAutoStoploss.mq4 – Stoploss set from Fractal Levels, Money management Risk/Reward My main goal here with this script was to help improve my win ratio, by setting my stoploss at fractals with the best support. I had been using fixed stoploss values, and kept having the stop hit and within minutes the price went back into … Read more
Este indicador utiliza uma quantidade maior de Bandas de Bollinger do que o indicador padrão de Bandas de Bollinger ®. A questão é que o conjunto de bandas possui o parâmetro “Deviation” que varia em um intervalo de 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sendo que outros valores indicam muito bem os níveis de suporte e … Read more
This indicator uses considerably more than two Keltner Channels than the standard Keltner Channel indicator. The indicator shows overall picture of a financial asset behaviour in a more informative way. The indicator is built in two variants with different amount of levels for different application cases. The indicator is built with the use of universal … Read more
The purpose of these scripts is clear (see names), but to avoid confusion I will describe each separately. _OpenOrders Mouse – This script opens a market order at the current price. If you released the mouse button below the current price, it will be exposed to Sell, if higher, then Buy. You can either specify … Read more
CTimeControl class for include to your EA for easy setting and checking your own trading time. An example of usage: Include: #include “TimeControl.mqh” Default constructor: CTimeControl timeControl; Or constructor with days: CTimeControl timeControl(false, true, true, false, false, false, false); Or constructor with array of days settings and arrays for trading times in every day: … Read more
I decided to publish this class after reading this publication. This topic looks interesting. My approach does not solve every problem as well. Therefore, suggest what can be improved. The class usage example was made similar to this variant. That way it is easier to see the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages: Possibility of standard … Read more
s_WaveMarker_CreateNew – the script creates a group of graphical objects on the chart – text labels and lines for marking the Elliott waves. User only needs to move the text labels using the mouse after selecting them. The number of graphical object groups is not limited. To create a new group the script should be … Read more
Contents GENERAL PROVISIONS Brief description Installing the libraries and indicators Several indicators in one window Exporting CFTC reports to CSV format and Excel For programmers ANALYSIS OF ‘COMMITMENTS OF TRADERS'(COT) MetaCOT 2 COT Absolute Position MetaCOT 2 COT Absolute Changes MetaCOT 2 COT Netto Positions MetaCOT 2 COT Netto Changes MetaCOT 2 COT Index MetaCOT … Read more
This script converts multiple .set files from MT5 format to MT4 format. This is a necessary step for optimizing and running cross-compatible EAs. MetaTrader 5 is able to load .set files created in MT4, however, the format it saves set files in is not compatible with MetaTrader 4. This script acts as a useful tool … Read more
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