Strategy report output into a chart – script MetaTrader 5

Blue and red arrows displaying deals
Follow these steps: Put report_into_chart.mql5 into ¨\MQL5\Scripts” folder. Compile report_into_chart.mql5 and get report_into_chart.ex5. Unzip and put StrategyTester.html into ¨\MQL5\Files” folder. Refresh your Metatrader 5. Run report_into_chart script from Metatrader and all deals will be displayed on the selected chart as blue (buy positions) or red (sell positions) arrows. Later you can replace StrategyTester.html file with … Read more

Input and output of onnx model – script MetaTrader 5

Input and output of onnx model - script for MetaTrader 5
ONNX is an open-source format for representing machine learning models. The script allows the user to select an ONNX model file through a file dialog. It then creates an ONNX session, retrieves information about the input and output tensors in the model, and prints this information to the console. Here’s a breakdown of the script’s … Read more