HFT Spreader for FORTS – EA MetaTrader 5

HFT Spreader for FORTS
Inputs: position size in lots, spread — number of minimum price steps. For example, the value of 4 set for MIX-9.15 symbol means that the minimum price change step for this symbol (from its contract specification) equals 25, therefore, the EA will start to place orders when the spread is 4*25=100. Operating principle: If all … Read more

FORTS Currency Powers – EA MetaTrader 5

Fig.1. Synthetic symbols FORTS.RTS.M5, FORTS.USD.M5, FORTS.RUB.M5
Description: FOREX Currency Powers provides an example of calculation of Forex currency strengths using synthetic financial instruments. Similarly, we can calculate the strengths of RTS, USD and RUB of the FORTS futures market. Using the values of futures contracts “MIX-3.18” (~RTSRUB), “RTS-3.18” (~RTSUSD),  “Si-3.18” (~USDRUB), “Eu-3.18” (~EURRUB), we can create an indicator of currency strengths: … Read more