Statistics.mqh Functions – library MetaTrader 5

This library contains a set of basic statistical functions necessary for user data processing.

This library was first published in CodeBase at MQL4 – Statistica.mqh functions library. Some typos have been detected and corrected while transferring the functions to MQL5. The code has become more intuitively clear. Most functions have been written using the algorithms from S. Bulashov’s book “Statistics for traders”.

The library functions are as follows:

Function Description
 Mediana  Median calculation
 Mediana50  Median calculation by 50% interquantile range
 Average  Sample arithmetic mean calculation
 Average50  Sample arithmetic mean calculation by 50% interquantile range
 SweepCenter  Sweep center calculation
 AverageOfEvaluations  Calculation of the average value of five upper evaluations
 Variance  Sample variance calculation
 ThirdCentralMoment  Third central moment calculation
 FourthCentralMoment  Fourth central moment calculation
 Asymmetry  Sample asymmetry calculation
 Excess  Sample excess calculation
 Excess2  Another method of the sample excess calculation
 Gamma  Euler’s gamma function calculation, x>0.
 GammaStirling  Euler’s gamma function value calculation, for x>33 (Stirling’s approximation)
 VarianceOfSampleVariance  Calculating the variance of a sample variance
 VarianceOfStandartDeviation  Calculating the variance of a standard deviation
 VarianceOfAsymmetry  Sample asymmetry variance calculation
 VarianceOfExcess  Sample excess variance calculation
 VarianceOfAverage  Sample mean variance calculation
 Log  Logarithm calculation
 CensorCoeff  Censoring ratio calculation
 HistogramLength  Calculating the optimal number of the histogram columns
 Resize  Calculating the optimal number of the array elements for the histogram
 Histogram  Creating the histogram to *.csv file
 Cov  Sample covariation calculation
 Corr  Sample correlation calculation
 VarianceOfCorr  Sample correlation variance calculation
 AutoCorr  Autocorrelation calculation
 AutoCorrFunc  Autocorrelation function calculation
 aCoeff  Calculating the a ratio in the linear regression equation (y=a*x+b)
 bCoeff  Calculating the b ratio in the linear regression equation (y=a*x+b)
 LineRegresErrors  Calculating the linear regression errors
 eVariance  Calculating the linear regression errors variance
 aVariance  Calculating the linear regression a parameter variance
 bVariance  Calculating the linear regression b parameter variance
 DeterminationCoeff  Determination ratio calculation
 ArraySeparate  Splitting the arr[n][2] array in two arrays
 ArrayUnion  Joining the two arrays into the array of arr[n][2] type
 WriteArray  Writing the one-dimensional array to *.csv file
 WriteArray2  Writing the two-dimensional array to *.csv file
Alternative:  FILTER_ADX_AM_ch - indicator MetaTrader 5

The file can be included in the projects requiring random sample parameters processing, its parameters evaluation, histograms etc.

Let’s examine the call of some functions:

//|                                                         test.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                               |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

#include <Statistics.mqh>
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
//--- specifying two values samples.
   double arrX[10]={3,4,5,2,3,4,5,6,4,7};
   double arrY[10]={7,4,1,2,1,6,9,2,1,5};
//--- calculating the mean
   double mx=Average(arrX);
   double my=Average(arrY);
//--- using the mean to calculate the variance
   double dx = Variance(arrX,mx);
   double dy = Variance(arrY,my);
//--- asymmetry value and excess
   double as=Asymmetry(arrX,mx,dx);
   double exc=Excess(arrX,mx,dx);
//--- covariation and correlation values
   double cov=Cov(arrX,arrY,mx,my);
   double corr=Corr(cov,dx,dy);
//--- showing results in the log file

As you can see, most functions require the values (as input parameters) that can be calculated using other functions.

For example:

double dx = Variance(arrX,mx);

To calculate the variance, we have to calculate the mean at first. That gives a certain advantage regarding the calculations optimization. In case it is necessary to calculate the variance for several times, it will be better to find the mean once instead of doing it several times inside the function. That will save time.

Alternative:  vaMA - indicator MetaTrader 5

This feature applies to most functions of the library.

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