In the past, I thought of using an EA for my trading and this is part of my simple EA and this is the simplest EA I ever had so please rate this after read…
This EA working on single pair. With the fully functioning setting timeframe, lots, stoploss and takeprofit here are input in the menu properties.
extern ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TF  = PERIOD_CURRENT;// Select Time Frame extern int period          = 8;// Period DeMarker extern double lt          = 0.01;// Lots extern int sl              = 100;// Stop Loss extern int tp              = 100;// Take Profit extern double OB          = 0.7;// Over Sold extern double OS          = 0.3;// Over Bought extern bool OPENBAR        = false;// Trading on newbar open price
Here is the secret, I divide it into 3 parts of variables:
1. data | timeframe
2. order
3. pair
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //-- time frame|indicator double dmrk[5]; int signal  =-1;//-- 1.sell int hold = 0; //-- order int ticket  =0; double lot  =0.0; int typ    =-1; //-- pair datetime t1=0; bool newbar=false; bool entry =false; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In OnInit() function, I have to initialize an indicator DeMarker array variable and also checking minimum lot size of trading for the specific type of broker requirement.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnInit()   {   ArrayInitialize(dmrk,0.0);   //---       const double test_lot  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);       if(lt<test_lot)  lt    = test_lot;   }
On OnTick() function, this is the for calculating of the indicator and to determine the buy and sell signals
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------   signal = -1; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---calc   for(int i=0; i<ArraySize(dmrk); i++)     {       dmrk[i]  =  iDeMarker(Symbol(),TF,period,i);     } //---   if(dmrk[1] > OB)     {       hold = 1;//set     }   else       if(dmrk[1] < OS)         {         hold = -1;//set         }       else         {         hold = 0;//reset         }   if(hold ==  1)     {       if(dmrk[0]<OB && dmrk[1]>OB)         {         signal = OP_SELL;         }     }   if(hold == -1)     {       if(dmrk[0]>OS && dmrk[1]<OS)         {         signal = OP_BUY;         }     }
To open a buy and sell signal…
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------   if(signal != -1)       if(newbar==true)         if(entry==false)//door open           {             //---             entry =true;//set             //---             if(signal == OP_BUY)               {               ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lt,Ask,(int)((Ask-Bid)/Point),                                   sl>0?Bid-sl*Point:0.0,                                   tp>0?Bid+tp*Point:0.0,                                   EAName+":signal= "+IntegerToString(signal)+":hold= "+IntegerToString(hold),                                   EANumber,                                   0,                                   clrBlue);               signal=-1;               //hold =0;               }//reset             else               if(signal == OP_SELL)                 {                   ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lt,Bid,(int)((Ask-Bid)/Point),                                     sl>0?Ask+sl*Point:0.0,                                     tp>0?Ask-tp*Point:0.0,                                     EAName+":signal= "+IntegerToString(signal)+":hold= "+IntegerToString(hold),                                     EANumber,                                     0,                                     clrRed);                   signal=-1;                   //hold =0;                 }//reset signal           }
And for the closing…
  if(entry == true) // closing     {       if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET))         {         if(OrderCloseTime() == 0)//-- order active trade           {             /*  todo condition to close  */             //entry = false;           }         //else             if(OrderCloseTime() != 0)//--  close by 1. manual 2. sl/tp 3. ea               {               entry = false;//reset entry               }         }     }