SetBuyLimitOrder script is developed for placing a BuyLimit order with fixed trigger levels, Stop Loss and Take Profit levels in points from the current price. The main advantage of this script is its ability to fix a deal volume, which depends on the entire deposit size, using MM (Money Management) script input parameter. This script determines a ratio between the amount of funds involved in the deal and all the funds of the deposit.
The script input parameters:
//+----------------------------------------------+ //| INPUT PARAMETERS OF THE SCRIPT              | //+----------------------------------------------+ input double  MM=0.1;      // Money Management input uint  LEVEL=300;      // Trigger level in points from the current price input uint  STOPLOSS=300;  // Stop loss in points from the trigger level input uint  TAKEPROFIT=800; // Take profit in points from the trigger level input uint  EXPIRED=0;      // The duration of the order in hours (0 - without time of cancellation) input uint  RTOTAL=4;      // The number of repeats on unsuccessful transactions input uint  SLEEPTIME=1;    // Pause time in seconds between repeats