Materials on Regular Expressions
- The Regular Expressions for Traders article.
- The Regular Expressions in MQL4 for working with regular expressions library.
Other Useful Materials
- Microsoft .NET Regular Expressions
- Microsoft .NET Regex Class Documentation
- Microsoft Regular Expressions – Quick Reference PDF
- Others: Using Regular Expressions with The Microsoft .NET Framework
Most Useful CRegex Class Methods
- IsMatch() – Checks whether the regular expression finds a match in the input string.
- Matches() – Searches an input string for all occurrences of a regular expression and returns all the matches.
- Replace() – In a specified input string, replaces strings that match a regular expression pattern with a specified replacement string.
- Split() – Splits the subject string along regex matches, returning an array of strings. The array contains the text between the regex matches (i.e. split performs inverse match).
How to use regular expressions in MQL4 programs
#include <RegularExpressions\Regex.mqh>
bool found = CRegex::IsMatch("subject_text", "regex_pattern")
CMatchCollection *matches = CRegex::Matches("subject_text", "regex_pattern")
string new_string = CRegex::Replace("subject_text", "regex_pattern", "replacement")
string parts[];
CRegex::Split(parts, "subject_text", "regex_pattern");