This version has quite a few new feature, most noticeably the multiple orders.
In this version it is only possible to close the order fully but with future versions I hope to add the ability to add into positions and close partial positions at set levels. Also one feature that I’m looking forward to add is the ability to set levels at certain indicator values (hopefully version 3).
Default values
extern  string LO_PREFIX="#"; // Name of lines = LO_PREFIX+TicketNumber()+Specialty extern  double LO_LOTS=0.1; extern  double LO_PIPPROFIT=30; extern  double LO_PIPSTOPLOSS=20; extern  double LO_PIPTRAIL=0; // This trail acts like the default MT4 trail, once you are in profit by this much then the trail will start extern  bool  LO_AUTO_INCLUDE_SL_TP = 1; // If no values entered then default values used extern  bool  LO_CLOSE_ORDER_ON_DELETE = 1;  // Close order on deleting the main line else will re-create line next time extern  int    LO_ALARM=0; // 0 = No alarm, 1 = Alert, 2 = Email(Not implemented yet), 3 = Send file(Not implemented) extern  bool  LO_ECN=0; // Is the broker a ECN? extern  int    MAGIC_NUMBER = -1;  // Set at -1 to apply to all currently open trades extern  color  LO_ORDER_CLR=Gray; // Colour of open price line extern  int    LO_ORDER_STYLE=STYLE_DASH; // Style of open price line extern  color  LO_STOPLOSS_CLR=Red; // Colour of order's stop loss extern  int    LO_STOPLOSS_STYLE=STYLE_DASHDOT; // Style of order's stop loss extern  color  LO_MOVE_STOPLOSS_CLR=Teal; // Colour of line which moves stoploss a specified stoploss when hit extern  int    LO_MOVE_STOPLOSS_STYLE=STYLE_DASHDOT; // Style of line which moves stoploss a specified stoploss when hit extern  color  LO_STOPLOSS_MOVE_CLR=Orange; // Colour of line to which to move stop loss to extern  int    LO_STOPLOSS_MOVE_STYLE=STYLE_DASHDOT; // Style of line to which to move stop loss to extern  color  LO_STOPLOSS_CLOSE_CLR=Red; // The colour of line which closes at a stop loss extern  int    LO_STOPLOSS_CLOSE_STYLE=STYLE_DASHDOT; // The style of line which closes at a stop loss extern  color  LO_TAKEPROFIT_CLR=Green; // Colour of the final take profit extern  int    LO_TAKEPROFIT_STYLE=STYLE_DASHDOT; // Style of line of final take profit extern  color  LO_TAKEPROFIT_MOVE_CLR=Green; // Colour of the move take profit extern  int    LO_TAKEPROFIT_MOVE_STYLE=STYLE_DASHDOT; // Style of the move take profit extern  color  LO_TAKEPROFIT_CLOSE_CLR=Green; // Colour of the close take profit extern  int    LO_TAKEPROFIT_CLOSE_STYLE=STYLE_DASHDOT; // Style of the close take profit
Inital line name variables #buy = Open a buy market trade #sell = Open a sell market trade #buypend = Open a buy pending order at that price #sellpend = Open a sell pending order at that price Todo: #buytp = Open a buy market trade with the line as take profit Todo: #buysl = Open a buy market trade with line as stop loss Todo: #selltp = Open a sell market trade with the line as take profit Todo: #sellsl = Open a sell market trade with line as stop loss After trade variables(without quotes) "sl=" = Stop loss in pips. Can have multiple orders. To have no stop loss use "N" "tp=" = Stop loss in pips. Can have multiple orders. To have no take profit use "N" "ts=" = Trailing stop in pips. Can have multiple orders "lo=" = The lots which are open. (Todo: If changed then order modify the lots in order) "alarm" = For values view the comment on LO_ALARM
How to use description
The EA will fill out the description with the main order properties automatically depending on your current settings. If you move the horizontal lines then it will update the description with the new values. To make a multiple order, you need separate them using “,” and to have it a set level it needs to be in the following format “value in pips@level you want the value to change” without any spaces in. You can make as many lines as you need.
Definite updates
Lot modification features from description and set levels
Stop loss/take profit at indicator values with the ability to add or take away other indicators (I think I know how)
Line alarms (Alarms which have nothing to do with and actual trade)
Possible future updates
Order cancels other orders
Stop loss and take profit based on account size and trade profit
If you have any problems or have any ideas which I can put in version 3 then comment here or PM me,
P.S. This version is by no means the last one, I’m working out bugs and adding new features weekly if not daily. I’ll only be posting the latest version to the codebase every so often so if wish to have the latest version or find a bug which may have been fixed in a later version then message me and i’ll send you the latest version. To me all feedback is good, tells me where things are going wrong. I’m going to try and make this EA as inclusive as possible and as bug free as possible.