The buy and sell conditions go as ‘bool’ value parameters in the Direction function, as you can see in the default example.
  int signalConditions=3;   DashKeys[openCloseConditionIdx+1-1]="BB Status";   DashValues[openCloseConditionIdx+1-1]=Direction(ok(bbGreen) && bbGreen!=-1,ok(bbRed) && bbRed!=-1,canBuy,canSell, " at "+TimeToStr(Time[masterCandleIdx]), " at "+Time[masterCandleIdx]);
The canBuy and canSell variables will get out set as true or false based on these conditions.
That will trigger the sign to carry the signals further for trading purposes.
Make sure to increase these 2 array sizes if you need more lines on the dashboard.
string DashKeys[8]; string DashValues[8];