Moving Average Trade System – EA MetaTrader 5

Author of the idea — Yuri, author of the MQL5 code — barabashkakvn.   

The strategy is based on Moving Averages with the periods of 5/20/40/60.

The algorithm of the trading strategy:
1. Building four SMAs (Simple Moving Average) with the periods of 5/20/40/60;
2. Work in М30, symbol EUR/USD, lots 0,1;
3. STOP LOSS: 60п. (EUR/USD)

1. SMA40 crosses SMA60 from bottom up;
2. Close at the reverse crossing.

1. SMA40 crosses SMA60 from top down;

2. Close at the reverse crossing.

Results in EURUSD, M30:

  jMaster RSI - EA MetaTrader 5

Moving Average Trade System tester 

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