- Input parameters
//Import External class #include <TradePositionInfo.mqh> #include <TradeTrade.mqh> #include <TradeSymbolInfo.mqh>  #include <TradeAccountInfo.mqh> #include <TradeOrderInfo.mqh> //--- introduce predefined variables for code readability #define Ask    SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK) #define Bid    SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID) //--- input parameters input string  EASettings = "---------------------------------------------"; //-------- <EA Settings> -------- input int      InpMagicNumber = 123456;  //Magic Number input string  InpBotName = "LazyBot_V1"; //Bot Name input string  TradingSettings = "---------------------------------------------"; //-------- <Trading Settings> -------- input double  Inpuser_lot = 0.01;        //Lots input double  Inpuser_SL = 5.0;          //Stoploss (in Pips) input double  InpAddPrice_pip = 0;      //Dist from [H], [L] to OP_Price (in Pips) input int      Inpuser_SLippage = 3;      // Maximum slippage allow_Pips. input double  InpMax_spread    = 0;      //Maximum allowed spread (in Pips) (0 = floating) input string  TimeSettings = "---------------------------------------------"; //-------- <Trading Time Settings> -------- input bool    isTradingTime = true;      //Allow trading time input int      InpStartHour = 7;          //Start Hour input int      InpEndHour = 22;          //End Hour input string  MoneyManagementSettings = "---------------------------------------------"; //-------- <Money Settings> -------- input bool    isVolume_Percent = false;  //Allow Volume Percent input double  InpRisk = 1;              //Risk Percentage of Balance (%)
2. local variables initialization
//Local parameters datetime last; int totalBars; int    Pips2Points;            // slippage  3 pips    3=points    30=points double  Pips2Double;    // Stoploss 15 pips    0.015      0.0150 double slippage; double acSpread; string strComment = ""; CPositionInfo m_position; // trade position object CTrade m_trade; // trading object CSymbolInfo m_symbol; // symbol info object CAccountInfo m_account; // account info wrapper COrderInfo m_order; // pending orders object
3. Main Code
Explaining the Strategy, Everyday Bot will delete All the old Orders and find Highest and Lowest value of the previous daily Bar and Send to two Pending orders “BUY_STOP“, “SELL_STOP“. (No TakeProfit).
a/ Expert initialization function
int OnInit()   { //---   //3 or 5 digits detection   //Pip and point   if(_Digits % 2 == 1)     {       Pips2Double  = _Point*10;       Pips2Points  = 10;       slippage = 10* Inpuser_SLippage;     }   else     {       Pips2Double  = _Point;       Pips2Points  =  1;       slippage = Inpuser_SLippage;     }         if(!m_symbol.Name(Symbol())) // sets symbol name       return(INIT_FAILED);   RefreshRates(); //---   m_trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(InpMagicNumber);   m_trade.SetMarginMode();   m_trade.SetTypeFillingBySymbol(m_symbol.Name());   m_trade.SetDeviationInPoints(slippage); //---   return(INIT_SUCCEEDED);   }
b/ Expert tick function
void OnTick()   {     if(TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_TRADE_ALLOWED) == false)     {       Comment("LazyBotnTrade not allowed.");       return;     }       //Get trading time,   // Opening section   // London 14h - 23h GMT VietNam   // Newyork 19h - 04h GMT VietNam   MqlDateTime timeLocal;   MqlDateTime timeServer;     TimeLocal(timeLocal);   TimeCurrent(timeServer);      // do not work on holidays.   if(timeServer.day_of_week == 0 || timeServer.day_of_week == 6)       return;         int hourLocal = timeLocal.hour;//TimeHour(TimeLocal());   int hourCurrent = timeServer.hour;//TimeHour(TimeCurrent());   acSpread = SymbolInfoInteger(_Symbol, SYMBOL_SPREAD);     strComment = "nLocal Hour is = " + hourLocal;   strComment += "nCurrent Hour is = " + hourCurrent;   strComment += "nSpread is = " + (string)acSpread;   strComment += "nTotal Bars is = " + (string)totalBars;   Comment(strComment);   //Check Trailing   TrailingSL(); //---   if(last != iTime(m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1, 0))// && hourCurrent > InpStartHour)     {       //Check Trading time       if(isTradingTime)         {         if(hourCurrent >= InpStartHour) // && hourCurrent < InpEndHour){           {             DeleteOldOrds();             //Send Order BUY_STOP va SELL_STOP             OpenOrder();             last = iTime(m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1, 0);           }         }       else         {         DeleteOldOrds();         //Send Order BUY_STOP va SELL_STOP         OpenOrder();         last = iTime(m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1, 0);         }     }   }  Â
3.1 Calculate signal and send orders
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| CALCULATE SIGNAL AND SEND ORDER                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OpenOrder()   {       double TP_Buy = 0, TP_Sell = 0;       double SL_Buy = 0, SL_Sell = 0;             //Check Maximum Spread       if(InpMax_spread != 0){         if(acSpread > InpMax_spread){             Print(__FUNCTION__," > current Spread is greater than user Spread!...");             return;         }       }               double Bar1High = m_symbol.NormalizePrice(iHigh(m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1, 1));       double Bar1Low = m_symbol.NormalizePrice(iLow(m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1, 1));             //Calculate Lots       double lot1 = CalculateVolume();         double OpenPrice = m_symbol.NormalizePrice(Bar1High + InpAddPrice_pip * Pips2Double);// + NormalizeDouble((acSpread/Pips2Points) * Pips2Double, Digits);         //For BUY_STOP --------------------------------       TP_Buy = 0;//Bar1High + NormalizeDouble(min_sl* Pips2Double, Digits);       SL_Buy = m_symbol.NormalizePrice(OpenPrice - Inpuser_SL * Pips2Double);         totalBars = iBars(m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1);       string comment = InpBotName + ";" + m_symbol.Name() + ";" + totalBars;           if(CheckVolumeValue(lot1)             && CheckOrderForFREEZE_LEVEL(ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP, OpenPrice)             && CheckMoneyForTrade(m_symbol.Name(),lot1, ORDER_TYPE_BUY)             && CheckStopLoss(OpenPrice, SL_Buy))             {               if(!m_trade.BuyStop(lot1, OpenPrice, m_symbol.Name(), SL_Buy, TP_Buy, ORDER_TIME_GTC, 0, comment))// use "ORDER_TIME_GTC" when expiration date = 0               Print(__FUNCTION__, "--> Buy Error");             }               //For SELL_STOP --------------------------------       OpenPrice = m_symbol.NormalizePrice(Bar1Low - InpAddPrice_pip * Pips2Double);// - NormalizeDouble((acSpread/Pips2Points) * Pips2Double, Digits);         TP_Sell = 0;//Bar1Low - NormalizeDouble(min_sl* Pips2Double, Digits);       SL_Sell = m_symbol.NormalizePrice(OpenPrice + Inpuser_SL * Pips2Double);           if(CheckVolumeValue(lot1)             && CheckOrderForFREEZE_LEVEL(ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP, OpenPrice)             && CheckMoneyForTrade(m_symbol.Name(),lot1, ORDER_TYPE_SELL)             && CheckStopLoss(OpenPrice, SL_Sell))         {             if(!m_trade.SellStop(lot1, OpenPrice, m_symbol.Name(), SL_Sell, TP_Sell, ORDER_TIME_GTC, 0, comment))             Print(__FUNCTION__, "--> Sell Error");         }    }
3.2 New day, delete all old orders
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Delele Old Orders                                                | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DeleteOldOrds()   {   string sep=";";                // A separator as a character   ushort u_sep;                  // The code of the separator character   string result[];              // An array to get strings   for(int i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)  // returns the number of current orders     {       if(m_order.SelectByIndex(i))              // selects the pending order by index for further access to its properties         {         //--- Get the separator code         u_sep = StringGetCharacter(sep, 0);         string Ordcomment = m_order.Comment();         //Split OrderComment (EAName;Symbol;totalBar) to get Ordersymbol         int k = StringSplit(Ordcomment, u_sep, result);         if(k > 2)           {             string sym = m_symbol.Name();             if((m_order.Magic() == InpMagicNumber) && (sym == result[1]))               {                   m_trade.OrderDelete(m_order.Ticket());               }           }         }     }   }
3.3 EA has function “trailing StopLoss”, SL will change every time price change and make profit increase
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| TRAILING STOPLOSS                                                | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TrailingSL()   {   double SL_in_Pip = 0;   for(int i = PositionsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)     {              if(m_position.SelectByIndex(i))    // selects the orders by index for further access to its properties         {         if((m_position.Magic() == InpMagicNumber) && (m_position.Symbol() == m_symbol.Name()))  //m_symbol.Name()           {             double order_stoploss1 = m_position.StopLoss();                         // For Buy oder             if(m_position.PositionType() == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)               {                                    //--Calculate SL when price changed                   SL_in_Pip = NormalizeDouble((Bid - order_stoploss1), _Digits) / Pips2Double;                   //Print(__FUNCTION__, "Modify Order Buy " + (string)SL_in_Pip);                   if(SL_in_Pip > Inpuser_SL)                     {                         order_stoploss1 = NormalizeDouble(Bid - (Inpuser_SL * Pips2Double), _Digits);                                           m_trade.PositionModify(m_position.Ticket(), order_stoploss1, m_position.TakeProfit());                                           }               }             //For Sell Order             if(m_position.PositionType() == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)               {                   //--Calculate SL when price changed                   SL_in_Pip = NormalizeDouble((m_position.StopLoss() - Ask), _Digits) / Pips2Double;                   if(SL_in_Pip > Inpuser_SL)                     {                         order_stoploss1 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + (Inpuser_SL * Pips2Double), _Digits);                                             m_trade.PositionModify(m_position.Ticket(), order_stoploss1, m_position.TakeProfit());                                 }               }           }         }     }   }
3.4 Check Volume value
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Check the correctness of the order volume                        | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CheckVolumeValue(double volume) { //--- minimal allowed volume for trade operations   double min_volume = m_symbol.LotsMin();   //--- maximal allowed volume of trade operations   double max_volume = m_symbol.LotsMax(); //--- get minimal step of volume changing   double volume_step = m_symbol.LotsStep();     if(volume < min_volume || volume>max_volume)     {       return(false);     }   int ratio = (int)MathRound(volume/volume_step);   if(MathAbs(ratio*volume_step-volume)>0.0000001)     {       return(false);     }   return(true); }
3.5 Check FreeLevel
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| CHECK FREEZE LEVEL                                              | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CheckOrderForFREEZE_LEVEL(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE type, double price)//change name of this function {   int freeze_level = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(_Symbol,  SYMBOL_TRADE_FREEZE_LEVEL);   bool check = false;   //--- check only two order types   switch(type)     {         //--- Buy operation         case ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP:         {            //--- check the distance from the opening price to the activation price           check = ((price-Ask) > freeze_level*_Point);           //--- return the result of checking             return(check);         }       //--- Sell operation       case ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP:         {         //--- check the distance from the opening price to the activation price             check = ((Bid-price)>freeze_level*_Point);             //--- return the result of checking             return(check);         }         break;     } //--- a slightly different function is required for pending orders   return false; }
3.6 Check Money for trade
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CheckMoneyForTrade(string symb,double lots,ENUM_ORDER_TYPE type)   { //--- Getting the opening price   MqlTick mqltick;   SymbolInfoTick(symb,mqltick);   double price=mqltick.ask;   if(type==ORDER_TYPE_SELL)       price=mqltick.bid; //--- values of the required and free margin   double margin,free_margin=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE);   //--- call of the checking function   if(!OrderCalcMargin(type,symb,lots,price,margin))     {       //--- something went wrong, report and return false       Print("Error in ",__FUNCTION__," code=",GetLastError());       return(false);     }   //--- if there are insufficient funds to perform the operation   if(margin>free_margin)     {       //--- report the error and return false       Print("Not enough money for ",EnumToString(type)," ",lots," ",symb," Error code=",GetLastError());       return(false);     } //--- checking successful   return(true); }
3.7 Check Stoploss
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CheckStopLoss(double price, double SL) { //--- get the SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL level   int stops_level = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(m_symbol.Name(), SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL);   if(stops_level != 0)     {       PrintFormat("SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL=%d: StopLoss and TakeProfit must"+                   " not be nearer than %d points from the closing price", stops_level, stops_level);     } //---   bool SL_check=false;   //--- check the StopLoss   return SL_check = MathAbs(price - SL) > (stops_level * m_symbol.Point());  }
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