Laguerre_ROC – indicator MetaTrader 5

Real author:

Emerald King , MTE&I

The ROC indicator smoothed by Laguerre filter drawn as a color histogram.

Indicator input parameters:

input uint vPeriod=5;                 // Period
input double gamma=0.500;             // Averaging factor                
input double UpLevel=0.75;            // Overbought level in %
input double DnLevel=0.25;            // Oversold level in %
input color UpLevelsColor=clrMagenta; // Color of the overbought level
input color DnLevelsColor=clrMagenta; // Color of the oversold level
input STYLE Levelstyle=DASH_;         // Style of levels
input WIDTH  LevelsWidth=Width_1;     // Width of levels
input int  Shift=0;                   // Horizontal shift of the indicator in bars

Originally this indicator has been written in MQL4 and was first published in the Code Base at on 12.10.2007.

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Figure 1. The Laguerre_ROC indicator

Figure 1. The Laguerre_ROC indicator

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