Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed_VolatilityStep – indicator MetaTrader 5

Eva Ruft

A simple indicator that calculates rounded volatility of a financial asset. Volatility is calculated in points based on the maximum and minimum prices of smoothed Heiken_Ashi candlesticks.

Volatility is calculated as High minus Low of Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed candlesticks. The resulting value is converted into points and rounded according to the coordinate grid step defined by the StartLevel and LevelsStep input values.

//|  INDICATOR INPUT PARAMETERS                  |
input Smooth_Method     HMA_Method=MODE_JJMA;      // Smoothing method
input uint              HLength=5;                 // Smoothing depth                    
input int               HPhase=100;                // Smoothing parameter,
3//---- for JJMA within the range of -100 ... +100, it influences the quality of the transition process;
//---- for VIDIA it is a CMO period, for AMA it is a slow average period
input int               Shift=0;                   // horizontal indicator shift in bars
input uint              LevelsTotal=20;            // number of levels
input uint              StartLevel=100;            // initial level
input uint              LevelsStep=100;            // distance between levels
input color             LevelsColor=clrDarkOrange; // color of levels

The indicator uses SmoothAlgorithms.mqh library classes (copy it to terminal_data_folderMQL5Include). The use of the classes was thoroughly described in the article “Averaging Price Series for Intermediate Calculations Without Using Additional Buffers”.

  Bear_Bulls_Power_Candle - indicator MetaTrader 5

Fig.1. Volatility2Step indicator


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