FORTS Currency Powers – EA MetaTrader 5


FOREX Currency Powers provides an example of calculation of Forex currency strengths using synthetic financial instruments.

Similarly, we can calculate the strengths of RTS, USD and RUB of the FORTS futures market.

Using the values of futures contracts “MIX-3.18” (~RTSRUB), “RTS-3.18” (~RTSUSD),  “Si-3.18” (~USDRUB), “Eu-3.18” (~EURRUB), we can create an indicator of currency strengths:


Copy the CurrencyPowerIndex.mqh file to <terminal_data_folder>\MQL5\Include.

After you launch FORTS_Currency_Power.mq5, the following synthetic instruments will appear in the Market Watch window: FORTS.RTS.M5, FORTS.USD.M5, FORTS.RUB.M5:

  yEffekt_HTF - indicator MetaTrader 5

Fig.1. Synthetic symbols FORTS.RTS.M5, FORTS.USD.M5, FORTS.RUB.M5

Fig.1. Synthetic symbols FORTS.RTS.M5, FORTS.USD.M5, FORTS.RUB.M5

Fig. 2. Tick charts of the synthetic instrument FORTS.RTS.M5

Fig. 2. A tick chart of the synthetic instrument FORTS.RTS.M5

Fig. 3. A tick chart of the synthetic instrument FORTS.USD.M5

Fig. 3. A tick chart of the synthetic instrument FORTS.USD.M5

Fig. 4. A tick chart of the synthetic instrument FORTS.RUB.M5

Fig. 4. A tick chart of the synthetic instrument FORTS.RUB.M5

Fig. 5. Strength of RTS, USD, RUB calculated based on FORTS futures contracts

Fig. 5. Strength of RTS, USD, RUB calculated based on FORTS futures contracts

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