Forex_Market_Hours_GMT_v4.0 – indicator MetaTrader 5

The good old MT4 indicator! Now for MetaTrader 5.

Automatic summer time (DST) detection on trade server, display of economic calendar events and many improvements.

GMT and EST hours for trading Forex

Forex market welcomes traders 24 hours a day.

Forex market opens on Sunday 5 pm EST (10:00 pm GMT), closes on Friday 5 pm EST

(10:00 pm GMT).

Trading sessions according to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):

The Forex_Market_Hours_GMT_v4.0 indicator assumes local “wall clock” trading hours

of 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM in each Forex market, except in Tokyo it is 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

  Change Chart and Timeframe - script MetaTrader 5

Holidays not included. Not intended for use as an accurate time source.

If you need the precise time, see

The link to the original indicator on Forex Factory forum:

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