FMOneEA – EA MetaTrader 4

FMOneEA is a scalping Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 4. It works only on one hour timeframe (PERIOD_H1).

FMOneEA calculation is based of ZigZag and MACD indicators on H1 timeframe. Caution: make sure that the ZigZag indicator is in the <terminal_data_folder>\MQL4\Indicators\. Hope it is useful.

Default Property for FMOneEA is as follows, and the results of the Strategy Tester below use the default property.

Last modify (update): 17/07/2015.

Update (21/04/2015):

  • Improved signal formula, to make it more accurate.
  • Added Redemption function to Redemption Loss Order.

Update (29/04/2015):

  • Fixed code for Redemption and option for multiplication Lost Redemption.
  • Improved codes for braking movement.
  • Simplified signal formula.

Update (26/05/2015):

  • Fixed code for Lots Redemption.
  • Increased the speed of the EA process.
  • Improved code for the Trailing Stop and Trailing Profit.

If setting: UseTrailingStop = True, AutoTrailingStop = True, and AutomaticTakeProfit = True, then, when Stop Loss is Trailing, Take Profit will be Trailing too, so Take Profit will be dynamic.

Update (2/06/2015):

  • Error correction in FM1Redemption() function.
  • Added scripts to move Stop Loss to the BEP, if order is profit, before the Trailing Stop is done.
  • Added Option for Maximum Lot Redemption (for multiplication Lots Redemption).
  • Corrected signal calculation formula on the FMOneCalculation() function.

Update (16/07/2015):

  • Error correction for variable arrays timeframe because the array mat [4] was out of range (in update_5).

Update (17/07/2015): (Update_07)

  • Simplified the signal formula, without ZigZag indicator.

Update (17/08/2015): (Update_08)

  • Improvement of the program structure.
  • Fixed bugs in open order.
//--- User Input (Update_07 17/08/2015)
input string             FMOneEA = "Copyright © 2014 3RJ ~ Roy Philips-Jacobs";
input string           FMOneEATF = "FMOneEA working on all Timeframes (M1 to MN1)";
input int          FMOneEAPeriod = PERIOD_H4; // Recommended use on Timeframes H4 (PERIOD_H4)
extern bool          FridayTrade = True; // If True, EA will trade on Friday
extern bool           Redemption = True; // Allow to Redemption Loss Order
input string    OptimizationLots = "Set LotsOptimization=True";
extern bool     LotsOptimization = True; // If True, Lots will be calculated by EA, default Lots size for optimization = 0.01"
extern double               Lots = 0.01; // If LotsOptimization=False, Lots adjusted by user
extern double        LotsRedempt = 2.0; // Value for redemption to multiplication Lots, default value 2.0
extern double     MaxLotsRedempt = 4.0; // Maximum Value of Lots redemption for multiplication Lots, default 4 times of initial lots
extern int          MaxOpenOrder = 12; // Maximum Allowed for Open Order (Maximum Pairs to Trade = 12 pairs)
input string   AutomaticSystemTP = "Set AutomaticTakeProfit=True or False";
extern bool  AutomaticTakeProfit = True; // TP will calculation by EA and Automatic TP by EA
extern bool  NoMinimumTakeProfit = True; // True or False -> If Set True, 100% TP by EA not use minimum TP.
input string     MinimumSystemTP = "If Set NoMinimumTakeProfit=False"; // TP by EA on minimum TP values
extern double          MinimumTP = 10; // Minimum TP by EA on the AutomaticTakeProfit=True function, default value 10
input string      ManualSystemTP = "If Set AutomaticTakeProfit=False"; // TP by Terminal MT4 (same as manual trading)
extern double         TakeProfit = 20; // TP by System, values can adjust by user, default value 20
input string   AutomaticSystemSL = "Set AutomaticStopLoss=True";
extern bool    AutomaticStopLoss = True; // SL will calculation by EA
input string      ManualSystemSL = "If Set AutomaticStopLoss=False"; // SL values can be adjusted by user
extern double           StopLoss = 157; // SL adjusted by user, default value 157
extern bool      UseTrailingStop = True; // Use Trailing Stop, True (Yes) or False (Not)
extern bool     AutoTrailingStop = True; // If Set True, 100% TS calculation by EA not use trailing stop value.
extern double       TrailingStop = 14.0; // If Use Trailing Stop True, input Trailing Stop Value, default value 14
extern double   TrailingStopStep = 1.0; // Input Trailing Stop Step Value (default 1.0)
input string      UsingSecureBEP = "Set UseSecureBEP == True or False"; //If  True, the EA will add BEP to secure order
extern bool         UseSecureBEP = False; // If  True, the EA will add BEP to secure your order

Testing results:

Alternative:  Robot_ADX+2MA - EA MetaTrader 4

FMOneEA Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 4

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