Fast In Fast Out Strategy – EA MetaTrader 4

We Have A free EA base On an Idea here for you.

FIFO strategy

HOW it works:

When a candle move more than a special size (volatility in input parameter) then we have a big/fast market movement for symbol price…
so we use stop orders type to catch this big/fast movement. yes its easy strategy and it has a big potential to be better.

When all the market movement makes you have lost, This ea makes a good profit with a little profit with many orders in a short time Just on a Candle.

When ex: M15 or better in H1 time frame a candle moves fast as I need it or have a good change in price about over the 200 points this is a good choice to enter the market with a thiny order.

  Rainbow WMA - indicator MetaTrader 5

We make this Idea to an EA free.

if you have any question, any Idea to have better ea im here: Fafolika


  • Use ECN account with smalest posible spread.
  • H1 Timeframe / EURUSD and GBPUSD have best result.

version 1.1:

  1. Work on strategy to have better result in real market.
  2. Add input parameter to limit maximum orders taken in a candle

See the result:

if you have better idea to have better one leave me a message.

Remember, this program is an idea and needs to be improved.
Do not use this program on real market

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