/**/ #include <SRCPatterns_Main.mqh> namespace Twin { /************************************************************************************** Design patterns - Twin   Modeling multiple inheritance with the Twin pattern. /************************************************************************************** Structure       +-------+        +-------+       |Parent1|        |Parent1|       +-------+        +-------+       | M1()  |        | M2()  |       +-------+        +-------+           ^                ^           |                |     +----|-----------------|----+     | +------+        +------+ |     | |Child1|  twin  |Child1| |     | +------+ ------> +------+ |     | | M1() | <------ | M1() | |     | | M3() |  twin  +------+ |     | +------+                  |     +---------------------------+ /**************************************************************************************/ class Parent1 {public:void M1() {Print(__FUNCTION__);}}; class Parent2 {public:void M2() {Print(__FUNCTION__);}}; /**************************************************************************************/ class Child1:public Parent1 {public:Parent2*twin;}; /**************************************************************************************/ class Child2:public Parent2   { public:   Parent1*          twin;   void              M3() {Print(__FUNCTION__);}                     Child2() {child1=new Child1; twin=child1; child1.twin=&this;}                     ~Child2() {delete child1;} protected:   Child1*          child1;   }; /************************************************************************************** Applicability   The Twin pattern can be used       *to simulate multiple inheritance in a language that does not support this       feature.       *to avoid certain problems of multiple inheritance such as name clashes. Participants   Parent1 and Parent2       The classes from which you want to inherit.   Child1 and Child2       The subclasses of Parent1 and Parent2. They are mutually linked via fields.       Each subclass may override methods inherited from its parent. New methods       and fields are usually declared just in one of the subclasses (e.g. in Child1). Collaborations   Every child class is responsible for the protocol inherited from its parent.     It handles messages from this protocol and forwards other messages to its     partner class.   Clients of the twin pattern reference one of the twin objects directly and     the other via its twin field.   Clients that rely on the protocols of Parent1 or Parent2 communicate with     objects of the respective child class (Child1 or Child2). Consequences   Although the Twin pattern is able to simulate multiple inheritance, it is not     identical to it. There are several problems that one has to be aware of:       1. Subclassing the Twin pattern. If the twin pattern should again be subclassed,       it is often sufficient to subclass just one of the partners, for example Child1.       In order to pass the interface of both partner classes down to the subclass, it       is convenient to collect the methods of both partners in one class. One can       add the methods of Child2 also to Child1 and let them forward requests to       the other partner.         This solution has the problem that Sub is only compatible with Child1 but       not with Child2. If one wants to make the subclass compatible with both       Child1 and Child2 one has to model it according to the Twin pattern again.       2. More than two parent classes. The Twin pattern can be extended to more       than two parent classes in a straightforward way. For every parent class there       must be a child class. All child classes have to be mutually linked via fields.       Although this is considerably more complex than multiple inheritance, it is       rare that a class inherits from more than two parent classes. Implementation   The following issues should be considered when implementing the Twin pattern:       1. Data abstraction. The partners of a twin class have to cooperate closely.       They probably have to access each others’ private fields and methods. Most       languages provide features to do that, i.e. to let related classes see more about       each other than foreign classes.       2. Efficiency. The Twin pattern replaces inheritance relationships by composi-       tion. This requires forwarding of messages, which is less efficient than inher-       itance. However, multiple inheritance is anyway slightly less efficient than       single inheritance so that the additional run time costs of the Twin       pattern are not a major problem. /**************************************************************************************/ class Client:public ClientExample   { public:   string            Output() {return __FUNCTION__;}   void              Run()     {       /*child2 inherits the protocols of Parent 1 via twin object and of Parent 2 directly*/       Child2 child2;       /*both twins act as one unit*/       child2.twin.M1();       child2.M2();       child2.M3();       /*Twin pattern is also implemented in the Class Adapter pattern.*/     }   }; } /************************************************************************************** Output:   --------------------------------   Structural::Twin::Client::Output   Structural::Twin::Parent1::M1   Structural::Twin::Parent2::M2   Structural::Twin::Child2::M3 /**/