Custom Bears Power Inputs – indicator MetaTrader 5

Two settings have been added to input parameters: line color (Color) and line width (Width).

Custom Bears Power Inputs

Why are the line color (Color) and line width (Width) are provided as input parameters, whereas the line color and width in the standard indicator can be changed manually? If you test a strategy in the tester or the indicator is added to a chart by an Expert Advisor (via ChartIndicatorAdd), Bears Power is ALWAYS displayed with the default color and width:


In my opinion, such a display is not very convenient, so here is a custom indicator Custom Bears Power Inputs (using iCustom), with the passing of parameters colors and widths

//--- create handle of the indicator iBearsPower
   handle_iBearsPower=iCustom(m_symbol.Name(),Period(),"Custom Bears Power Inputs",
//--- if the handle is not created 
      //--- tell about the failure and output the error code 
      PrintFormat("Failed to create handle of the iBearsPower indicator for the symbol %s/%s, error code %d",
      //--- the indicator is stopped early 

This allows you to see a more beautiful indicator in the tester or on the terminal chart:

  HWC - indicator MetaTrader 5

Custom Bears Power Inputs

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