Two indicators ColorJFatl from different timeframes, the area between lines being filled with a cloud, the color of which corresponds with the trend direction on the market
//+-------------------------------------+ //|  INDICATOR INPUT PARAMETERS       | //+-------------------------------------+ input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrame1=PERIOD_H1;//Chart timeframe input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrame2=PERIOD_H4;//Chart timeframe //+-------------------------------------+ //|  INDICATOR INPUT PARAMETERS       | //+-------------------------------------+ input uint Length=5; //smoothing depth                    input int Phase=-100; //smoothing parameter,                       //for JJMA that can change withing the range -100 ... +100. It impacts the quality of the intermediate process of smoothing; // For VIDIA, it is the CMO period, for AMA, it is the period of slow moving average input Applied_price_ IPC=PRICE_CLOSE_;//Price constant input int Shift=0; // Horizontal indicator shift in bars input int PriceShift=0; // vertical shift of the indicator in points //+-------------------------------------+
For the indicator to operate, indicator ColorJFatl.ex5 must be in the <terminal_data_directory>\MQL5\Indicators folder.
Fig 1. Indicator ColorJFatl_x2_cloud_HTF