Color Day – indicator MetaTrader 5

The Color Day indicator colors the bullish and bearish days.

If the daily Close is greater than Open, colors in blue (customizable in settings).

input color UP = Blue;  // color of bullish day

If the daily Close is less than Open, colors in red (customizable in settings).

input color DN = Red;   // color of bearish day

Copy the Open, Close prices and opening time for the specified number of days Days:


to the corresponding arrays:

datetime tm[];
double op[];
double cl[];

Before installing the indicator to the chart, set the dimension of arrays:

int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping

Assign the values of array cells to variables and determine the daily closing time time1:

datetime time0=tm[i];
      datetime time1=time0+3600*24;
      double dopen=op[i];
      double dclose=cl[i];

Using the PutRect() function:

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void PutRect(string name,datetime t1,double p1,datetime t2,double p2,color clr)
//--- create rectangle by the given coordinates
//--- set rectangle color
//--- enable (true) or disable (false) mode of filling the rectangle 

Color the day depending on where the price went:

if(dclose<dopen) PutRect("Rect"+(string)dopen,time0,dopen,time1,dclose,DN);
      if(dclose>dopen) PutRect("Rect"+(string)dopen,time0,dopen,time1,dclose,UP);

Iterate over all days specified in the Days parameter in a cycle:

for(int i=0;i<=Days;i++)

      datetime time0=tm[i];
      datetime time1=time0+3600*24;
      double dopen=op[i];
      double dclose=cl[i];

      if(dclose<dopen) PutRect("Rect"+(string)dopen,time0,dopen,time1,dclose,DN);
      if(dclose>dopen) PutRect("Rect"+(string)dopen,time0,dopen,time1,dclose,UP);

When deleting the indicator from the chart using the DeleteObjects() function:

void DeleteObjects()
   for(int i=ObjectsTotal(0,0,OBJ_RECTANGLE)-1;i>=0;i--)
      string name=ObjectName(0,i,0,OBJ_RECTANGLE);
      if(StringFind(name,"Rect",0)>=0) ObjectDelete(0,name);

remove the created objects from the chart:

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void OnDeinit(const int reason)


input int   Days = 11;  // days for calculation
input color UP = Blue;  // color of bullish day
input color DN = Red;   // color of bearish day

Fig. 1. The indicator on the chart


  • The Color Day indicator — visual trading assistant.

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