CHistoryPositionInfo Class – library MetaTrader 5

CHistoryPositionInfo class provides an easy access to the closed position properties.

The class has a similar interface to CPositionInfo class of the standard library.

class CHistoryPositionInfo : public CObject
   //--- methods of access to protected data
   ulong             Ticket(void)           const { return(m_curr_ticket); }
   //--- fast access methods to the integer position properties
   datetime          TimeOpen(void);
   ulong             TimeOpenMsc(void);
   datetime          TimeClose(void);
   ulong             TimeCloseMsc(void);
   ENUM_POSITION_TYPE PositionType(void);
   string            TypeDescription(void);
   long              Magic(void);
   long              Identifier(void);
   ENUM_DEAL_REASON  OpenReason(void);
   ENUM_DEAL_REASON  CloseReason(void);
   //--- fast access methods to the double position properties
   double            Volume(void);
   double            PriceOpen(void);
   double            StopLoss(void) const;
   double            TakeProfit(void) const;
   double            PriceClose(void);
   double            Commission(void);
   double            Swap(void);
   double            Profit(void);
   //--- fast access methods to the string position properties
   string            Symbol(void);
   string            OpenComment(void);
   string            CloseComment(void);
   string            OpenReasonDescription(void);
   string            CloseReasonDescription(void);
   string            DealTickets(const string separator = " ");
   //--- info methods
   string            FormatType(string &str,const uint type) const;
   string            FormatReason(string &str,const uint reason) const;
   //--- methods for select position
   bool              HistorySelect(datetime from_date,datetime to_date);
   int               PositionsTotal(void) const;
   bool              SelectByTicket(const ulong ticket);
   bool              SelectByIndex(const int index);

Here is a sample code showing how to use the class in your code

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#include <CHistoryPositionInfo.mqh>
//|                                                                  |
void OnStart()
//--- variable to hold the history position info
   CHistoryPositionInfo hist_position;

//--- Retrieve the history of closed positions for the specified period
      Alert("CHistoryPositionInfo::HistorySelect() failed!");

//--- now process the list of closed positions
   int total = hist_position.PositionsTotal();
   for(int i = 0; i < total; i++)
      //--- Select a closed position by its index in the list
         ulong    ticket            = hist_position.Ticket();
         datetime time_open         = hist_position.TimeOpen();
         ulong    time_open_msc     = hist_position.TimeOpenMsc();
         datetime time_close        = hist_position.TimeClose();
         ulong    time_close_msc    = hist_position.TimeCloseMsc();
         long     type              = hist_position.PositionType();
         string   type_desc         = hist_position.TypeDescription();
         long     magic             = hist_position.Magic();
         long     pos_id            = hist_position.Identifier();
         double   volume            = hist_position.Volume();
         double   price_open        = hist_position.PriceOpen();
         double   price_sl          = hist_position.StopLoss();
         double   price_tp          = hist_position.TakeProfit();
         double   price_close       = hist_position.PriceClose();
         double   commission        = hist_position.Commission();
         double   swap              = hist_position.Swap();
         double   profit            = hist_position.Profit();
         string   symbol            = hist_position.Symbol();
         string   open_comment      = hist_position.OpenComment();
         string   close_comment     = hist_position.CloseComment();
         string   open_reason_desc  = hist_position.OpenReasonDescription();
         string   close_reason_desc = hist_position.CloseReasonDescription();
         string   deal_tickets      = hist_position.DealTickets(",");
         int      deals_count       = HistoryDealsTotal();   // of the selected position
         int      orders_count      = HistoryOrdersTotal();  // of the selected position
   Print("Total closed positions = ",hist_position.PositionsTotal());

Note: when using the methods HistorySelect() and SelectByIndex(), the list of positions is ordered by time of closing (not by the opening times).

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This means the history of closed positions (data rows) is ordered by Close Time to help calculate the running  Balance, correctly.

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