Candle Range MetaTrader indicator – indicator MetaTrader 4

Candle Range MetaTrader indicator — is a very simple and lightweight indicator that displays the candle’s range in pips on mouseover. In addition, to the High/Low range, it can optionally display the body size (Open/Close) for candles. Multiple display parameters are available to control how the indicator looks. This indicator is available for both MT4 and MT5 versions of the trading platform.

Input parameters

  • ShowBodySize (default = false) — if truea candle’s body size will also be shown.
  • HavePipettes (default = false) — if truethe indicator will assume that the currency pair’s quote contains pipettes and will show the pip ranges accordingly.
  • TrueRange (default = false) — if truethe indicator will calculate true range (including the gap part) instead of the normal range.
  • font_color (default = clrLightGray) — the color of the candle range indicator.
  • font_size (default = 10) — the size of the candle range indicator.
  • font_face (default = “Verdana”) — the font of the candle range indicator.
  • corner (default = CORNER_LEFT_UPPER) — the location for the candle range indicator on the chart.
  • distance_x (default = 3) — the horizontal distance from the corner to the indicator.
  • distance_y (default = 12) — the vertical distance from the corner to the indicator.
  • DrawTextAsBackground (default = false) — if truethe text label with the candle range value will be drawn as background. It can be useful if you want to prevent the indicator from obscuring the chart.
  • ObjectPrefix (default = “CR-“) — the prefix for chart objects for compatibility with other indicators.
  Plot History - indicator MetaTrader 4

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