AutoTStop EA does not work to open the orders, but only helps trader to use Trailing Stop.
Automatic Trailing Stop will work when the price has reached half of the value that you specify on Trailing Stop.
Copy and paste ping.wav sound ( into MetaTrader 4/Sounds folder, so that every time an order is closed or take profit, EA will provide notification sound.
I trade using AutoTStop_EA in TF M5 with template AutoTS6-MMA-RVI60-CS.tpl ( on pairs (EURUSD, USDCHF, AUDUSD, EURAUD, EURJPY, GBPJPY, GBPAUD, GBPCHF, GBPUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY) with very satisfactory results.
Update 01 (2014-12-05):
2. Value CalcSTP().
3. Value system Trailing Stop.
Update 02 (2015-01-05):
1. Fixed some typos code.
Update 03 (2015-03-27):
1. Changed the calculation system for TP and SL.
2. Simplified the code to improve the performance of the EA.
Update 04 (2015-06-16):
1. Correction of bugs on the overall program scripts.
2. Added BEP on the Trailing Stop.
Update 05 (2015-07-03):
1. There is no change in the Expert Properties, still according update_4.
2. Minor changes in the void StartAction() function, and the void TpSlTrlS() function.
//--- User Input // Update_4 (16-06-2015) input string            AutoTStop = "Copyright © 2014 3RJ ~ created by Roy Philips-Jacobs"; extern bool            FridayTrade = True; // If True, EA still trading at Friday extern bool        UseTrailingStop = True; // Use Trailing Stop, True (Yes) or False (Not) extern bool      AutoTrailingStop = True; // Default Trailing Stop value = 24.0 extern double        TrailingStop = 24.0; // If Auto Trailing Stop False, input Trailing Stop Value extern double    TrailingStopStep = 1.0; // Input Trailing Stop Step Value (default 1.0) input string    AutomaticSystemTP = "Set AutomaticTakeProfit=True or False"; extern bool OptimizationTakeProfit = True; // TP will calculation by EA and Automatic TP by EA extern bool    NoMinimumTakeProfit = True; // True or False -> If Set True, 100% TP by EA not use minimum TP. input string      MinimumSystemTP = "If Set NoMinimumTakeProfit=False"; // TP by EA on minimum TP values extern double            MinimumTP = 12; // Minimum TP by EA on the AutomaticTakeProfit=True function, default value 12 input string        ManualSystemTP = "If Set AutomaticTakeProfit=False"; // TP by Terminal MT4 (same as manual trading) extern double          TakeProfit = 20; // TP by System, values can adjust by user, default 20 input string    AutomaticSystemSL = "Set AutomaticStopLoss=True or False"; extern bool      AutomaticStopLoss = True; // SL will calculation by EA input string        ManualSystemSL = "If Set AutomaticStopLoss=False"; // SL values can adjusted by user extern double            StopLoss = 108; // SL adjusted by user, default 108 //---