Adapter – structural design pattern – library MetaTrader 5

//   structural design pattern
//---adapter > intent
//   convert the interface of a class into another expected interface
//   classes with incompatible interfaces can work together
//---adapter > benefits-----------------------------------------------
//   interface to an object my vary
//   refactoring problem resolved
//      inability to alter classes conveniently
//      also decorator, visitor
//---adapter > applicability------------------------------------------
//   interface does not match the one you need
//   reusable class
//      cooperates with unrelated/unforeseen classes
//   object adapter
//      parent's interface is adapted
//      when subclassing is impractical
//---adapter > class adapter > structure------------------------------
//      |Client|------>| Target  |         |     Adaptee     |
//                     |---------|         |-----------------|
//                     |Request()|         |SpecificRequest()|
//                          ^                       ^
//                          |                       |
//                          +--------+    +---------+
//                                   |    | implementation
//                           |      Adapter      |
//                           |-------------------|
//                           |Request()          |
//                           | SpecificRequest() |
#include <SRCPatternsPatternOrganizer.mqh>
namespace AdapterClass
//---class adapter > participants-------------------------------------
interface Target //defines the domain-specific interface that client uses
   void Request();
//---class adapter > participants-------------------------------------
class Adaptee //defines an existing interface that needs adapting
   void              SpecificRequest();
void Adaptee::SpecificRequest(void)
   Print("Adaptee is executing the specific request");
//---class adapter > participants-------------------------------------
//   adapter
//      adapts the interface of adaptee to the target interface
//---inherit from target 
//   structural twin pattern
//      simulates multiple inheritance from target and adaptee
class Adapter;
class AdapterAsTarget:public Target
   Adapter*          asAdaptee;
   void              Request();
void AdapterAsTarget::Request()
   printf("Operation requested from adapter: re-directing to adaptee...");
//---inherit from adaptee directly
class Adapter:public Adaptee
   AdapterAsTarget*  asTarget;
void Adapter::Adapter(void)
   asTarget=new AdapterAsTarget;
void Adapter::~Adapter(void) {delete asTarget;}
//---class adapter > participants-------------------------------------
class Client:public ClientExample
//   collaborates with objects conforming to the target interface
   string            Output();
   void              Run();
string Client::Output() {return __FUNCTION__;}
//---class adapter > collaborations-----------------------------------
void Client::Run()
//   clients call operations on an adapter instance
//   adapter calls adaptee operations that carry out the request
   Adapter adapter;
   Target* target=adapter.asTarget;
//---class adapter > output-------------------------------------------
//   Structural::AdapterClass::Client::Output
//   Operation requested from adapter: re-directing to adaptee...
//   Adaptee is executing the specific request
//---adapter > object adapter > structure-----------------------------
//      |Client|----->|  Target |            +-->|     Adaptee     |
//                    |---------|            |   |-----------------|
//                    |Request()|            |   |SpecificRequest()|
//                         ^                 |
//                         |                 |
//           |          Adapter          |---+
//           |---------------------------|
//           |Request()                  |
//           | adaptee.SpecificRequest() |
namespace AdapterObject
//---object adapter > participants------------------------------------
interface Target //defines the domain-specific interface that client uses
   void Request();
//---object adapter > participants------------------------------------
class Adaptee //defines an existing interface that needs adapting
   void              SpecificRequest();
void Adaptee::SpecificRequest(void) {Print("Specific Request");}
//---object adapter > participants------------------------------------
class Adapter:public Target
//   adapts the interface of adaptee to the target interface
   void              Request();
   Adaptee           adaptee;
void Adapter::Request(void)
   printf("Operation requested: Now re-directing to...");
//---object adapter > participants------------------------------------
class Client:public ClientExample
//   collaborates with objects conforming to the target interface
   string            Output();
   void              Run();
string Client::Output() {return __FUNCTION__;}
//---object adapter > participants------------------------------------
void Client::Run()
//   clients call operations on an adapter instance
//   adapter calls adaptee operations that carry out the request
   Target* target=new Adapter;
   delete target;
//---object adapter > output------------------------------------------
//   Structural::AdapterObject::Client::Output
//   Operation requested: Now re-directing to...
//   Specific Request
//---adapter > consequences-------------------------------------------
//   adapts adaptee to target by committing to a concrete adapter class
//      class adapter won't adapt a class with all its subclasses
//   overriding of adaptee's behavior is possible
//   introduces only one object
//      direct adaptee access
//   how much adapting does adapter do
//      simple interface conversion
//         names of operations are changed
//         entirely different set of operations is supported
//   pluggable adapters
//   two-way adapters for transparency
//      multiple inheritance
//         interfaces of the adapted classes are substantially different
//      conforms to both of the adapted classes
//      can work in either system
//---adapter > implementation-----------------------------------------
//   class adapters in c++
//      inherit publicly from target and privately from adaptee
//      subtype of target but not of adaptee
//   pluggable adapters
//      interface for adaptee should be narrow
//         abstract operations may be used
//         delegate objects may be used
//            requests are forwarded to a delegate object
//               access the hierarchical structure
//            mixing classes together
//               easier than a new subclass with its operations
//         parameterized adapters
//            convenient alternative to subclassing
//            interface adaptation is built into a class
//---adapter > related patterns---------------------------------------
//   bridge
//      interface/implementation are separated
//         easy to change independently
//         adapter changes the existing interface
//   decorator
//      enhances object without changing its interface
//         more transparent
//         supports recursive composition
//   proxy
//      object's surrogate
//         does not change its interface
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